I have self-medicated my restless soul with poor impulse control this week with evidence to prove it: four, credit card-purchased Peter Rabbit wood-framed pictures I bought at an estate sale to flip, an empty chocolate fudge pie box I hid in the bottom of my trash can and now a bad haircut, that I hoped would be my new beginning when my hair salon had an unexpected opening today. Instead, I have scant eBay views and no bids, $100.00 extra on my credit card, a post-pie undo of a killer spin class I took and the same me in the mirror - still disappointed with diffused, slightly gelled hair.
My impulsive acts pole vault me from pitfalls to possibilities though my soar through the air quickly becomes crash and burn when I hit bottom. No safety net or soft mat there, only harsher scrutiny and familiar wounds.
Next time, I will make fulfillment and not fix decisions. I will reflect and not react. I will accept my strength for sweet attempted solutions. How bad is chocolate fudge pie after all? And, I will embrace the moment to broaden my horizons rather than hamper my hopes. I will also freeze my credit card, return to my former hair stylist and donate those Peter Rabbit pictures to Goodwill. Remind me of this blog next time I head for a pie.