A Victoria's Secret angel doesn't need to clock me over the head with her wings for me to know I am in an underwear rut. My underwear reflects the state of my life, stretched, torn, all too comfortable and often in need of repositioning so others don't see the crack(s). I have gone from flashy thongs to 100% cotton briefs to insulate me from discomfort and promote ventilation like my dust-covered 1950s ceiling fan. This gradual descent into the underwear comfort zone causes alarm only when I fear passing out or getting into an accident that may lead a hot medic to see my undergarments. This, perhaps a flashback to my gradeschool days when a boy called me "carrot" for years after catching a glimpse of my orange spotted drawers.
Today, I was jolted from my underwear undoing when a running partner shared that she wore a garter under her holiday outfit at a party last night. Her face lit up by the mischief, and it was clear that the garter helped her radiate spontaneity and sexiness at the secret under her skirt. Quite the contrary, I thought of my own recent decision to forego shaving my legs, resolved that no-one would be reaching under my dress. My complacence and endorphins overflowing, I decided to take a stand against Granny panties that may be my future. I will take my wings and fly to the pretty underwear store.
My new underwear will give me a quiet edge to strut the runway of life again feeling fun, sexy and carefree. Its impact will be contagious, and I will shave my legs and wear pretty red lipstick. I will feel confident and deliberate. I will hold my head high, knowing that I am fighting back from my rut and feeling pretty while doing it. I will make room in my underwear drawer for new life possibilities.
What does the state of your life - or underwear - say about you?
What can you do to break from your rut?
P.S. It was worth getting out of bed for today's 7-mile run. And, I will look better in my new underwear. Thanks to my fellow runner for today's jogging jolt!
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