Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pull the Plugs!

I am tangled in and strangled by cords, self-indulgent, first-world stressors, equipment life
sustaining devices that squeeze the true life out of me with every amp. 

Laptop.  Desktop.  Tablet.  Indoor Christmas tree lights.  Outdoor Christmas tree lights.  Mouse.  Android.  iPod.  Camera charger.  A PetSafe rechargeable bark control collar.  Extension cords.  Work cell phone.  DVD player.  Coffee grinder.  Car charger.  Each with its own brand, style, precise, non-negotiable fit.  Most recently, I was unstrung and undone by 100 feet of colored lights, only half of them lighting following a solo game of Ring around the Rosie with our freshly cut tree.   

It didn't start off this way.  It has been a slow-building, vain (yes, vain!)  attempt to keep up, stay wired, portable and freshly ground, while this time of year, being a Norman Rockwell mom and friend to neighbors that comes with mounting cords and costs.  I am unplugged and disconnected, knotted and bound by my choices to seamlessly fit in.     

Perhaps, I will label my cords and create a special drawer for them.  They will be at my fingertips, color-coded, helping my world to turn on quicker without my fumbling for the right one.  Or, maybe, I will pull the plugs and get back to  authentically living, charged and connected, hands-free and grounded only by simplicity, eye contact with my child, a liberated dog, the smell of Fraser fir and the richness of life around me.  

How many cords do you have?  
Do feel more or less connected as a result?
Where do you want to unplug?                 
Dedicated to Marie, who connected with Push Thru It! as my first unprompted follower.  Thank you!   


  1. I feel your pain... I am at the moment taking a stress break from decorating...can't find needle nose pliers I need to replace bulb from string after I stepped on step forward, three steps back ?.. ��

  2. how do you unplug from someone who doesn't follow through?
