Monday, October 8, 2018

Push Thru It! - Paella

My happy hour "treat" turned to trepidation when my colleague exclaimed, "It's Paella Night!" upon my arrival to the quaint, neighborhood restaurant where we would cap off her successful career. I knew Paella must be expensive given the name extended beyond my meat and potatoes vernacular and capable spelling skills (yes, I looked up "paella" for this blog). And, after the waiter presented the special edition, elegantly-printed menu, I promptly gulped my wine and pride and suggested I pay for the drinks and we go "Dutch treat" for the meal. Gracious, sophisticated and unassuming, she said yes.       

Shifting from ruminations to libations following her unreserved acceptance, I opened my palate and mind to delicious servings of fine wine, learnings about the exquisite dish and my friend and "ewws and aaas," as wide eyes and mouths ushered in two pristinely clad bearers of the multi-colored and textured dining experience. Our small talk and social pleasantries progressed to poignant life lessons, touching stories and hearty laughs with each savory, rich course. And after toasts to "getting what we want and having what we need," we focused on "abundance" with bottomless flan and future possibilities.  

"I am paying for this!" I declared as I digested the expansiveness of an evening that far exceeded my financial woes and served as a delicious reminder that openness, beyond perceived or real limitations, is the true path to abundance. And while she told me I didn't have to pay, I knew, for me, that I did.  May I have the check, please? 

Dedicated to K. To reiterate a wise, hip, soon-to-be-former colleague - You are f-ing fabulous!   
Where can you focus on abundance in your life? 



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