"Have you started your jar yet?" my sister asked on the phone as I drove from a teeth cleaning to a coffee staining to start my day. "I am up to $6.00," she reported in the 52-week Money Jar Challenge commenced with a new year and commitment to deposit $1 in Week 1, $2 in Week 2 and so on to an accumulated savings of almost $1400 dollars. "Not yet. But I did set up our Good Things Jar. And I plan to make the Calm Down Jar too."
My Good Things Jar sits in our living room, a container for laugh out louds, surprises and memorable positives including "our first fire in our fireplace,"a spontaneous 'I love you' from my daughter" and "when my dog farts," the latter sentiment from my girl. A stack of meticulously cut papers and pen wait beside it in anticipation of filling our jar and our souls. The Calm Down Jar will be a glistening time-out of glitter and water for my girl and me to turn our handmade snowglobe and unwelcome moods upside down. The Money Jar and its mounting green will be my mind's landscape for an eventual trip to Europe or a slow, steady reminder of the value of discipline beyond the quick swipe of a card.
This year, I will refrain from the tempting peanut butter jar that leaves me scraping the bottom only to become empty.
- If a jar could make a difference in your life, what kind of jar would you have? With what would you fill it?
P.S. Dedicated to my sister Lisa, whose inspirational Zen poems and jars always open new possibilities.
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