Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Push Thru It! Two Turns and a Hill

"Just two turns and a hill" were the words of a fellow runner as she breezed by me near the completion of our 8-mile training run.  I run like the last grimy bit of water draining from a bath, soap scum residue lagging to the exit. This was not the first bit of encouragement I had heard along my heavy-breathing trek, the course of my seasonal self-improvement - the half marathon.  It followed light-footed pass-her (yes, me!)-bys with "you are doing great!" and "lookin' good!" and a coach slowing to share that it is about completion rather than speed - i.e., "It's okay to be sllllloooooowwwww.  Just don't die before the finish line, or you won't get a shiny medal." 

Feeling self-conscious and singled-out, I pondered if there were words of wisdom beyond louder awe for the swanlike, soaring runners, whose sleek attire was without the ring of glistening sweat beads that draped my neck.  I also wondered if the runner who just tried to help me, should I accept, had been in my shaky shoes before, struggling to keep up and in need of support.  In response, I held my chin higher, unwedged my inched-up shorts from raw, chafing thighs and lengthened my stride for the final stretch.              

Encouragement is the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope.  It is a win-win "reach and lift" for the giver who shares their faith and the recipient who receives a invitation to  possibilities beyond distress or self-doubt.  It is outstretched, open arms that can raise slumped shoulders.  It is a moment of being in it together despite different routes, turns and paces (and styles of moisture-wick shirts).  Encouragement helps us to both move forward on lighter footing and reach the finish line victoriously.   I will expect more hills ahead and welcome encouragement along the way.    

How do you respond to encouragement?   
When did you last encourage someone else?  

P.S. Dedicated to the fellow runner who completed "two turns and a hill" ahead of me without leaving me behind.   



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