My Mom has a proven track record of anticipating my needs, slipping me $20 for gas, making the perfect PB & J and surprising me with a new zipper purse that finishes rather than frazzles me like the snapping bag that exposed my chaotic life and array of tampons. So, while I agreed in a sentimental vein, I was adverse to the 4-month interval between bulb and bloom that challenged my impulsivity, instant gratification and "I want it now!" Veruca Salt from Willy Wonka mentality. This same mindset brings me to the 7-11 for a pint of Ben and Jerry Cookie Dough Icecream after a bad day.
The bulbs are well-worth the seasonal affective disorder wait. The vibrant pink, orange and yellow daffodils, tulips and amaryllis decorate my yard and lift my spirits when spring arrives. They prove undaunted by millions of maple leaves, acorns, squirrels and snowflakes and their initial lengthy stay in the trunk of my car after I failed to give them due credit for their full potential outside of their cardboard shipping package.
I thoughtfully plant and fertilize my promise of spring each year. I dig past established tree roots and bend cheap trowels to carefully nestle them for their showcase and surprise. They will break through brilliantly and heroically, when I least expect it.
The flowers are a fertile, colorful reminder of the value and discipline of the wait. This contradicts alluring quick fixes that promise instant gratification and a hole (or cottage cheeselike cellulite in the case of the repeated Ben and Jerry's) dug with little promise of growth. They are the vision realized by doing (and digging) what I can and trusting that life will unfold, and in this case, blossom, when I do my part, wait and let go.
- Where do you need to plant seeds (or bulbs) and practice patience?
- Where might discipline help you to resist immediate gratification and cultivate fertile soil that promises growth (and breathtaking flowers)?
Thanks Mom and John Scheepers, Inc. I will plant my 25 Single Finest Mix this weekend.
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